
In the year 2000, Ginga GIRI GIRI was born in order to expand Vegeta Insane more into the realm of the entire Dragon Ball series rather than just being dedicated to Vegeta. Ginga GIRI GIRI was the home of many unique AMVs, multimedia, and comedy for many years until it’s closure in early 2002 due to bandwidth problems caused by the dot-com crash of 2000.

Ginga GIRI GIRI came back as Ginga GIRI GIRI Kai in 2010 to be an archive of all the old AMV content that entertained millions of fans throughout the years. No longer under the mercy of external hosts and completely under *my* control, Ginga GIRI GIRI Kai is here to stay to bring back those old nostalgic memories of surfing the DBZ web before modern times.

– Ryan “Castor Troy” Molina

DBZ AMVs, Parodies, and More.